Rodiyah Oluwa
Data Science Portfolio

Passionate about unraveling the stories hidden within data, I am a skilled data scientist proficient in machine learning, adept at transforming raw datasets into compelling visual narratives using the power trio of Power BI, Python, and R programming. With a keen eye for extracting valuable insights, my expertise lies in crafting dynamic and insightful visualizations that bring data to life. Aspiring to drive informed decision-making through the art of data storytelling, I thrive on the intersection of technology and creativity in the ever-evolving landscape of data science. This portfolio showcases my journey and the exciting projects I've undertaken.


Comparative Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithm for Heart Attack Risk Prediction Using R Programming Software

Employing state-of-the-art techniques, I leveraged Support Vector Machines (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithms to predict an individual's risk of a heart attack. By meticulously analyzing lifestyle and health factors of an individual, I crafted a robust predictive model that not only showcases the power of machine learning but also underscores my expertise in utilizing advanced algorithms for real-world, life-saving applications. This project not only demonstrates my proficiency in data science but also my commitment to addressing critical healthcare challenges through innovative and impactful solutions.

Revolutionizing Retail Insights: Unleashing the Power of Power BI in Superstore Sales Analysis

In a meticulous data refinement endeavor, I employed Power BI to perform comprehensive data cleaning using the expressive M language. The project focused on transforming a raw Superstore sales dataset into a streamlined and efficient form. Leveraging Power BI's capabilities, I crafted a robust Star Schema model, optimizing the dataset for enhanced analytical capabilities. Through the strategic application of Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), I generated dynamic visualizations that provided meaningful insights into the Superstore sales trends. This proficiency in data preparation, modeling, and visualization exemplifies my commitment to delivering actionable intelligence through advanced analytics.

Decoding Climate Trends: Python and SQLite Unleash Insights from Historical Weather Data Exploration

In the realm of climatic exploration, I embarked on a data-driven journey to decipher historical weather patterns using Python and SQLite. Delving into a curated dataset encompassing temperature records from diverse cities and countries, the project aimed at extracting valuable insights. With a focus on meticulous data exploration, I navigated the intricacies of the SQL database, employing Python as the key orchestrator. The objective was to uncover nuanced trends and patterns within the historical weather data, shedding light on the dynamic interplay of temperature variations across selected regions. This venture showcases my proficiency in leveraging programming tools for in-depth analysis and interpretation of weather data.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom



